See Your Dentist If You Have An Emergency With Your Orthodontics Parramatta

Being fitted for orthodontic braces can be an exciting time for many teenagers. It signifies that they are growing up and beginning their journey into adulthood, with straight and healthy looking teeth. Others may feel nervous about the procedure and can forget important information regarding care for their orthodontics Parramatta.

I’ll never forget snapping a supportive arch wire when I was wearing braces as a young teen. I had foolishly eaten a hard chocolate Picnic bar, although delicious, it was something my dentist certainly didn’t recommend consuming! Unfortunately we were away on holidays so my poor Mum had to seek an expert dentist Melbourne who was willing to repair the damage I had caused. It was a painful and upsetting incident and one I haven’t forgotten. My experience certainly highlights the need for wearers of orthodontic braces to be cautious with what they eat and to ensure treatment is sought if an incident occurs.

When wearing orthodontic braces it’s important to avoid food which can damage the appliance. These foods include nuts, ice cubes, whole apples and carrots, corn on the cob, popcorn, crusty breads, hard boiled lollies, chewy sweets and sticky foods such as caramel. Bad habits such as nail biting or chewing on pens/pencils can also cause damage.
Any repairs to your orthodontics may add costs to the initial procedure and will certainly prolong the length of time they need to be worn. Damage to the appliance can also be painful, especially if wires are protruding!

The following is a diagram to help familiarise you with the different components of your orthodontic braces so you can describe what the issue is to your dentist Sydney if an emergency occurs.


Emergency situations tend to be rare with orthodontics braces but it’s essential to know what to do if the following situations arise:

• Loose bracket- Brackets are usually adhered to the centre of the tooth. If it has shifted and feels loose please see your specialist to have it repaired. If the loose bracket is causing discomfort, use some dental wax to ease irritation until you are treated.

• Loose bands-Call your orthodontist to have the band replaced. Do not attempt to reattach it yourself. Bring the item into your appointment for examination purposes.

• Broken arch wire-Can easy occur if consuming problem foods. Move the broken end into a more comfortable position and cover with dental wax to minimise damage to gums. Don’t cut the wire as if can be easily swallowed. See you orthodontist promptly for assistance.

If an situation arises due to your carelessness then please don’t feel embarrassed. See your professional dentist for help to repair your orthodontics Parramatta. Orthodontic braces can’t straighten your teeth correctly unless that are in proper working order so don’t delay!

Best Tips for Living With Orthodontics Parramatta

Getting orthodontics fitted for the first time, either as a teenager or adult, is an exciting moment. It’s a fantastic decision that you have made to guarantee you will end up with perfectly straight teeth and a beautiful healthy smile. Although your orthodontics Parramatta may not have to be worn for too long, due to their superior design giving quicker results, it’s important to know the best tips to ensure you are comfortable during this time.

Initially after having your orthodontics fitted, you may feel some tenderness and slight swelling of the gums and mouth area as they adjust. A simple solution of swishing around warm salty water in your mouth can help reduce these symptoms. Mild pain relief such as paracetamol can also help.

Ensure you keep up your daily good hygiene habits. This should include twice brushing daily with a fluoride tooth paste and soft bristle brush. Don’t forget to thoroughly brush all around the orthodontics to clean every surface of your teeth. Check your tooth brush regularly for signs of wear, as orthodontics can hasten this process. Make sure you replace your brush regularly if this is the case, as a worn toothbrush isn’t very effective when cleaning.

Flossing is also important but can be tricky when navigating between your orthodontics. By using a floss threader, this will make your task easier and ensure you are removing all food remanets. This should be preformed every night after you brush.

Many patients worry that having orthodontics will mean they will have to have a restricted diet. This simply isn’t true. You can still enjoy many food such as soft breads, dairy products, soft fruits & vegetables, pastas, seafood, legumes and sweet treats, in moderation of course! There are some foods should be avoided due to their texture and capacity to damage orthodontics. These include:

• Sticky treats-caramels, gummy lollies and chewing gums
• Hard foods-like nuts, seeds and hard boiled lollies
• Crunchy foods-popcorn, potato chips, pretzels
• Chewy foods-bread products like bagels, pizza bases, Turkish loaves, and liquorice
• Food that you bite into-such as hard apples, raw carrots, corn on the cob and meats like ribs.

Commonsense is the key, if the food item displays any of the above features, then it is best to err on the side of caution and eat something else. It’s also advisable to eliminate habits such as biting on nails, smoking and chewing on objects like pencils and ice cubes. These behaviours can also harm your orthodontics. If you do accidently cause damage then it important you call your dentist Sydney for advice and a prompt appointment to get your orthodontics repaired.

If you play sports, then ensure your are fitted with a custom made mouthguard, not only to protect your orthodontics but your teeth as well. Injuries to the teeth and mouth are unfortunately quite common when participating in sporting activities. Your professional dentist can help create and fit the right mouthguard for your teeth and to fit over your orthodontics.

By following these handy tips, hopefully the whole process will go smoothly as you will be equip with the knowledge on how to care for your orthodontics Parramatta and which foods to forgo. It’s well worth the effort to have a beautiful winning smile at the end of treatment.